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How the DA's national ambitions hurt the Cape

The DA have done almost nothing about devolution for the past 15 years, in order to preserve their national strategy. But they are now losing ground at both levels

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The coalition that will destroy South Africa

The DA have been trying to push the idea that a coalition with the ANC is the "least worst" option, but in reality it will destroy them, and guarantee SA's destruction.

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The Independence Coalition has reached the ballot - now the fight begins

The IEC has confirmed that the Referendum Party will be on all three ballots, provincial, regional and national, joining the VF+ in a secessionist electoral pact.

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The Cape's Future Must Be In The Cape's Hands!
Pretoria isn’t working for the Western Cape

We’re being ignored far too often. It’s time for a fresh start – to choose a different and better path. As an independent country, the Western Cape’s future will be in the Western Cape’s hands. Together, we can make the Western Cape the country we all know it can be.


Voting for a referendum in the General Election

Let's Debate
Pledge your support for a public debate on an independence referendum.

Elected representative, Premier of the Western Cape, Alan Winde, have ducked and dived at every opportunity to face the public about the fact that 79% of DA voters in the Western Cape support a referendum on Western Cape independence.

Winde must explain to the public why he singlehandedly decided that the Western Cape may not have the referendum Steenhuisen promised and Zille "fully agrees" with.

Wall of Shame

We will never understand the full scale of what the ANC did to South Africa

Tens of thousands of cadres involving trillions or Rands, describing decades of corruption, incompetence and theft.

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